Single Skin Anomaly, Age Eraser Facial change

Select from the following list to add a service to this appointment. cancel

  • Product Pick-up
    Need to pick up a gift certificate? Out of cleanser or moisturizer? This is the appointment to make. Quick 10 minutes to drop by, pick up what you need and back on your way!
  • Consultations

    • Skin Classic Consultation
      Please come to consultation with clean skin.  We will go over your consultation/intake form and your skin will be analyzed and perimeter test anomalies treated. Consultation price varies depending on how many test anomalies are treated.
    • Acne Skin Consultation $35
      Please come to consultation with all makeup removed. Skin analysis for sensitivities will be done, some minor extractions to determine pore type and treatment.
    • General Skin Consultation $35
      Skin consultation for those who aren't sure which service is right for their skin or just need some insight.
    • Add-On Treatments

      These services are to be added onto a facial service. They are not a stand-alone treatment. 
    • Dermaplaning

      Dermaplaning is an alternative to wax. A small scalpel is used with feather-like strokes to remove vellus hair from the neck and face. Skin is left smooth and hair generally takes about 3 weeks to grow back. 
    • Facial Services

      All facial services with the exception of the Express Facial include: skin consultation, hot facial towels, cleansing, exfoliation, customized facial masque, upper body massage and high frequency if deemed necessary.
  • Cryo-Facial and Face Toning and Tightening

    These treatment prices take effect October 1, 2023.

    Age Eraser-Cryo is a 90 minute facial that includes Cryo cold therapy for the jaw and eyes. Face and Neck Cryo is strictly just concentrated Cryo treatment. Please see the Cryo info page on the website to make sure this treatment is right for you before scheduling appointment.
    • Face & Neck Cryo Treatment $135
      Please make sure to read the Cryo info page on the website before booking an appointment to make sure Cryo therapy is right for you.  It is best to come to your appointment with clean skin as this is not a facial; it is only Cryo treatment.
    • Face & Neck Cryo Treatment, 3-Pack $350
      Please make sure to read the Cryo info page on the website before booking an appointment to make sure Cryo therapy is right for you.  It is best to come to your appointment with clean skin as this is not a facial; it is only Cryo treatment.
    • Age Eraser - Cryo Facial $145
      Please make sure to read the Cryo info page on the website before booking an appointment to make sure Cryo therapy is right for you.
    • Age Eraser - Cryo, 3 pack $380
      Please make sure to read the Cryo info page on the website before booking an appointment to make sure Cryo therapy is right for you.
  • Skin Classic Minor Skin Irregularity Treatment

    1. Consultation done after spot  to disinfect prior to identifying minor skin irregularities. Next up, the Skin Classic device, which uses thermolysis through a directed high frequency probe to treat the area. A "touch method" is used. The treatment is quick, a bit uncomfortable (stinging sensation) but so worth it!
    • Skin Classic 4 Week Follow-up
      If one of your treated skin irregularities need a second treatment, please schedule yourself for the follow-up which is at no additional charge.
    • Full Face $200
      Includes: Cleansing, consultation, treatment minor skin irregularities for full face, toning and moisturizer.
    • Neck (front & back) $200
    • Decolletage/Chest $200
      Skin Classic treatment of the decolletage or chest area only.
    • Armpit Skin Tags $200
      Treatment of both armpit areas for all visible skin tags.
    • Face, neck, decolletage $400
      Includes: Cleansing, consultation, treatment, toning and moisturizing.
    • Upper or Lower Back or Chest $375
      Skin Classic treatment of upper and lower back for minor skin irregularities. Includes skin consultation and analysis.
  • Microdermabrasion

    Includes: Cleansing, skin consultation, toner, microdermabrasion treatment, and moisturizer.
Esthetician: Coleen Larrett LIOME